By: Czarina Joy Llagas | BA-Journalism 3A
The mental crisis had been an existing problem for so many years, and today it arose as CoVID-19 hit many parts of the world. Due to quarantine protocols, people had been isolated, not only from their loved ones but also in our community.
Several drawbacks and changes in our lives happened, from unemployment, hunger, and uncertainties, resulting in anxiety, depression, suicide, and death. During the CoVID-19 pandemic, some of us are not only battling the virus but also from other illnesses that silently kill every person all over the world, especially in our country.
In the Philippines, President Duterte signed the Mental health act last 2018, which aims to support people experiencing mental-related problems and provide access to affordable mental health services. Still, it seems like the law isn't done to practice. Due to the virus, many mental-related illnesses are forgotten and overshadowed, resulting in an ongoing crisis on mental health.
According to an article by Psychiatric Times, the spread of the virus is not just a medical dilemma for it also affects individuals and society. The virus causes stigma from the people who contain the virus. Panic and distress are also related to outbreaks. Anxiety-related behaviors, sleep difficulties, and a lower subjective state of health are frequent. Individuals suffering from mental illness are especially vulnerable to the impacts of widespread fear and panic.
The virus also causes an increased number of suicide-related behavior in individuals who live in an area with high rates of CoVID-19 or people who have seen the death of a family member, particularly for those people who have pre-existing medical conditions
These circumstances serve as evidence that mental health problems are not a joke or a pseudo. This crisis isn’t invented nor can be resolved and removed on its own. Millions of people do not only die because of the virus but also due to this crisis. If not given alternative remedies, it can eventually affect the lives of everyone. Still, the mere fact that this crisis exists means that there is something wrong - someone needs to take action.
If you will ask me what’s the importance of this issue or why these issues matter?
The Mental Health crisis needs to be addressed not only to promote awareness or to stop the stigma. It also reflects how the government will act on "other" issues. If this crisis still fails to be noticed, how about other health issues that need to be resolved?
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